The Inner Riches Meditation Experience Day 3

Activating your 8 inner powers
Centering thought of the day: “I believe in my personal power”

You are now at Day 3 of the Inner Riches Meditation Experience.

You are exactly where you should be - and remember that every day of your journey is a step towards your goal:

Easily and joyfully harnessing the full power of meditation to spark remarkable positive change in your life… and ignite your Inner Riches.

Today’s guided meditation focuses on Level 3 of the Sri Yantra: Activate. On the Sri Yantra diagram, this level is represented by the 8 lotus petals of the inner circle:

Each of these petals in turn represents 8 unique powers that lie within you.

Those powers are:

  • Smallness: This power relates to vulnerability. By accessing this vulnerable self and letting your small self be heard, you can get to the source of what you really want.
  • Bigness: This power represents bigness of your heart for yourself and for others. To access it, you must step up and take responsibility for carving out your ideal life. Bigness is also about allowing others to do the same and be themselves without judgment. This is crucial, especially when running a business with employees or working with colleagues.
  • Heaviness: This power is about being definite. It's being firm and solid in what you believe in. This is closely connected to the exercise we did yesterday on mastering your desire.
  • Creativity: Your creative power is about allowing your mind to expand to the wildest dreams that you can possibly think of, and to let your creativity soar. Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, Steve Jobs, these are some of the people who mastered their inner creativity.

  • Godliness: This isn’t about god or religion per se, but rather the power to move lightly and in harmony with the world around you so you can be in flow. It allows you to tap into your courage at a deeper level so you can draw on the strength and courage to confidently move forward in your decision. Particularly useful if you’re a leader in your career or your household.
  • Subjugation: The definition of subjugation is to bring under control or to conquer. You can use this power to conquer anything that is holding you back or blocking you from your actions or forward movement. We all have blocks in trying to achieve success. This is about being free from your own thoughts and perceptions of what people expect of you. The important part here is to follow your instincts and be true to yourself. Only then will you be free to reinvent your reality.
  • Fulfillment: This power is about taking an objective into sharp focus and making it happen. Think of this power as your own virtual strike team that helps you strategically move towards what you want in a direct, fast, and effective way.
  • Willfulness: The power of willfulness involves tapping into your strength of will to move quickly and with absolute focus. Your willfulness, the strength of your will, the environment you live in, everything that you do and perceive around you, is a reflection of your will.

Today’s guided meditation will tap you into each of these powers, and show you how to channel them any area of your life.

Now keep your centering thought at the back of your mind, and let’s begin…

Day 3 Meditation

The Activating Your 8 Powers Guided Meditation

You MUST use stereo headphones or earbuds for the Holosync®/alpha brain wave patterns (the background track) to be effective.

To make these meditations even more powerful and effective, we've added, beneath the spoken voice, world-famous Holosync® audio technology (licensed from Centerpointe Research Institute). These slightly audible Holosync® audio tones will place you in a deep meditative (and super-receptive) alpha brain wave pattern--expanding your awareness and your openness, and allowing these meditations to affect you at an even deeper level.

Did you know meditation can help kids in school?

A district in San Francisco recently started a twice daily meditation program in a number of high-risk schools. The result? Suspensions dropped, while GPAs and attendance shot up. Is it any wonder that more and more schools are now including meditation in their daily schedules?


Once your meditation has ended, complete today’s experience with this writing exercise for reconnecting with your deepest truths:

Life is way too short to be someone you’re not. So if you’re chasing fame, status, money or acceptance instead of your personal truths, you’re missing out on life’s most authentic source of bliss.

So where are these truths? They’re inside you, and they’ll open your eyes to your unique purpose and gifts. Grab a pen and paper and try this exercise to uncover them:

  • Write down five things that make you different and unique.
  • Next, ask yourself, how do you view, perceive or do things uniquely? Write down five things about that.
  • Next, do some social sharing of all this information. Share this unique part of yourself via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or whatever medium you choose.You can do this by sharing quotes, images, book excerpts, songs or your own original thoughts. A few days after doing this, revisit what you shared and look at the responses you got.
  • Take note of how this exercise made you feel. Did it invigorate and liberate you? Or are you still caught up in people’s expectations and perceptions of you? Write these thoughts down.
  • Reflect on what you have written, and continue to slowly liberate your real self, or jump in completely if you want. If you think about it, how are you going to create your new best reality and be successful if you’re not being your true, unique and authentic best self?

Your 8 inner powers are immeasurably powerful tools you can now use to solve problems, gain strength and inspiration, and to accelerate the manifestation of your desires into reality.

Keep an eye on your email for tomorrow’s lesson, where we’ll explore how to access certain external assets that can dramatically enhance your creation powers.

Amish Shah

Founder of Project:Yourself

This free Prosperity Formula video workshop gives you two ancient technologies for activating your highest power for wealth & abundance:


What was your experience with today’s guided meditation and exercise? Tell us below and share this experience with others:

Holosync® is a registered trademark of Centerpointe Research Institute, Inc., and is used with permission.

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