The Inner Riches Meditation Experience Day 2

Exploring your Soul & what you want to project into the world
Centering thought of the day: “I am a creative being”

Welcome to Day 2 of the Inner Riches Meditation Experience.

I hope you enjoyed your first day yesterday. And I assure you - the experience keeps getting better as you progress!

Using the Sri Yantra diagram as a roadmap, today’s guided meditation focuses on Level 2: Fulfill - represented by the 16 petals on the Sri Yantra.

The Sri Yantra’s petals represent the elements or different forms of energies through which your soul understands itself. Your soul interacts with these energies and explores the outside world with them.

So, what do you desire? What do you truly want to create before you can define yourself as “successful”?

Today’s guided meditation will allow you to tap into a source of illumination for reconnecting with who you are and what you want out of your life.

Having this clarity is crucial if you want to make the right career and financial decisions, align with your highest purpose, connect deeply with others, and express your creativity.

Consider this guided meditation a checkpoint you should stop at before you make any crucial decision. Let’s begin...

Day 2 Meditation

The Exploring Your Soul Guided Meditation

You MUST use stereo headphones or earbuds for the Holosync®/alpha brain wave patterns (the background track) to be effective.

To make these meditations even more powerful and effective, we've added, beneath the spoken voice, world-famous Holosync® audio technology (licensed from Centerpointe Research Institute). These slightly audible Holosync® audio tones will place you in a deep meditative (and super-receptive) alpha brain wave pattern--expanding your awareness and your openness, and allowing these meditations to affect you at an even deeper level.

Did you know meditation preserves your brain as you age?

A study at UCLA has found that long-term meditators have better-preserved brains compared to non-meditators as they aged. The meditators consistently had more grey matter volume throughout their brains.

We expected rather small and distinct effects located in some of the regions that had previously been associated with meditating,” said study author Florian Kurth. “Instead, what we actually observed was a widespread effect of meditation that encompassed regions throughout the entire brain.”


Once your meditation has ended, complete today’s experience with this writing exercise for uncovering your deepest desire:

Journaling is one of our community’s favorite conscious practices.

Anyone who does it regularly can tell you there’s something magical about writing down your thoughts with pen and paper. And that’s because the physical action of writing gives you a clearer connection to your subconscious, allowing you to manifest ideas and realizations that would otherwise have remained hidden.

Some even swear that the aspirations they write about have an uncanny way of happening as time goes by.

What exactly do you want to happen in your life? Try the following writing exercise to uncover (and manifest) your deepest desires:

  • Write down the ONE thing you’re most passionate about having. It could be anything - health, happiness, love, wealth. Remember to be extremely specific in your answer. How wealthy do you want to be? What’s your idea of happiness? How many pounds do you want to lose?
  • Write down how your desire is going to affect you. And how will it affect the people around you? The planet? Again, be as specific as possible.
  • Write down - in detail - how you’re going to achieve this desire.
  • Finally, write down how you’re going to share your success with the world. How will you pay it forward? How will you help create a world where other people can achieve their desires too?
  • As you take steps to attain this goal, be sure to visit what you have written again daily.

Only you can uncover your purest intentions, desires and passions - and today’s lesson is a powerful way to shine light on these qualities.

Your journey continues tomorrow as we use another immersive guided meditation to activate 8 dormant powers deep inside you - each a remarkable tool for achieving your desires with joy and ease. Look out for our notification email.

Take 8 more unique journeys into your Soul with
our Deep Dive Guided Meditation Pack:


What was your experience with today’s guided meditation and exercise? Tell us below and share this experience with others:

Holosync® is a registered trademark of Centerpointe Research Institute, Inc., and is used with permission.

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