The Inner Riches Meditation Experience Day 1

Connecting to your core for vitality, courage and self-confidence
Centering thought of the day: “I trust in the process of life”

Welcome to Day 1 of the Inner Riches Meditation Experience.

Each day of the experience focuses on a unique aspect of your inner power and consciousness. If this is your first time taking the experience, remember to go through the days in the correct order. If you miss a day, just pick up where you left off.

Throughout the 9 days, you’ll see us using this 12,000-year-old symbol, known as the Sri Yantra, as a focal point and a ‘roadmap’ leading to your inner riches:

The Sri Yantra is an ancient symbol used for meditation and concentration, and has been revered for thousands of years by both scientists and spiritualists alike.

This symbol is hugely popular in the Project:Yourself community - many Projectors use it every day in their meditations and reflections.

Because as you will soon experience - and as countless studies have shown - there are certain characteristics within the Sri Yantra that make it an incredibly potent tool for connecting to your highest Self. Especially when combined with meditation.

4 fascinating facts about the Sri Yantra
and its reality-bending powers

  • An EEG study by Russian scientists at Moscow University found that the Sri Yantra can induce a meditative or hypnotized state of mind - just by looking at it.
    Source: Biology Faculty of Moscow University, October 30, 1987
  • In his paper Art as Technology, award-winning artist Bill Witherspoon offers a detailed account of how drawing the Sri Yantra symbol in an Oregon crop field increased its yield, soil fertility and plant nutrients.
  • In 1997, an Indian researcher by the name of RKS Muthukrishnan used fractal mathematics to deduce that the Egyptian Pyramids were engineered with the exact same angular measurements as the Sri Yantra.
  • Renowned American physicist Dr. Patrick Flanagan calls the Sri Yantra “the king of power diagrams”, and describes its energetic effect as seventy times greater than that of a pyramid construction.

Each day of the Inner Riches Meditation Experience focuses on one of the Sri Yantra’s 9 levels:

Today’s guided meditation will focus on Level 1: Connect. This is about building your foundations for a richer life.

Here you’ll connect to the core of your being, where your deepest reservoirs of vitality, courage and self-confidence are stored.

This is a crucial starting point, as you’ll be drawing on these very assets throughout your 9-day experience towards greater success and abundance.

You may experience certain personal epiphanies during this guided meditation. You may feel a sense of wholeness and acceptance wash over you. Or, you may feel nothing on a conscious level (which may mean subconscious change is taking place without you realizing).

The beauty of meditation is that there are no right or wrong takeaways. And so even through a recorded guided meditation session like this, you can still enjoy a deeply personal experience unique only to you.

When you’re ready, just get comfortable in a quiet place, silent your phone, log off email and Facebook, and take a deep breath.

Keep the centering thought of the day (listed on top of his page) in your mind.

Then press play and follow my wife, Dr. Puja Shah's simple instructions...

Day 1 Meditation

The Connecting To Your Core Guided Meditation

You MUST use stereo headphones or earbuds for the Holosync®/alpha brain wave patterns (the background track) to be effective.

To make these meditations even more powerful and effective, we've added, beneath the spoken voice, world-famous Holosync® audio technology (licensed from Centerpointe Research Institute). These slightly audible Holosync® audio tones will place you in a deep meditative (and super-receptive) alpha brain wave pattern--expanding your awareness and your openness, and allowing these meditations to affect you at an even deeper level.

Did you know meditation can be used to treat depression?

A recent study published in British medical journal The Lancet concluded that meditation is equally as effective as drugs in treating depression - but doesn’t come with any of the nasty side effects.

Nigel Reed, one of the participants in the study, said:

“Rather than relying on the continuing use of antidepressants, mindfulness (meditation) puts me in charge, allowing me to take control of my own future, to spot when I am at risk and to make the changes I need to stay well.”


Once your meditation has ended, complete today’s experience with this consciousness-expanding breathing exercise:

The following is an ancient Pranayama breathing exercise used by ancient sages - and by thousands in the Project:Yourself community - to clear energy channels in your body which in turn, calms the mind.

It releases accumulated tension and fatigue in your body, and allows for blissful peace of mind, especially in making important decisions.

This makes it the perfect tool to use just before starting your work day or any important task:

  • To start, sit comfortably with your spine long and your face relaxed. Try and smile a bit.
  • Place your left hand on your left knee with your palm facing upward to receive.
  • Take your right hand and press your thumb into your right nostril, close it, and breathe in from your left nostril. Hold the breath.
  • Close the left nostril with your pinky finger as you release the right nostril and exhale from your right nostril.
  • Now breathe in from your right nostril, hold the breath, and release your pinky from your left nostril as you close your right nostril with your thumb.
  • Now exhale from the left nostril.
  • Complete nine rounds of this alternate nostril breathing with your eyes closed.
  • After the last round, release your hands to your knees and take one last inhale and exhale. Often on the in breath of each nostril, you can breathe in positive thoughts. The out breath releases any negative thoughts or fears.

Your journey is only just beginning!

Now that you’ve connected to your core, the next 8 days will take you on an exhilarating journey of exploring your soul, awakening your powers, bringing together your assets, and finally projecting success and abundance into your reality.

Look out for my email tomorrow as soon as the next level goes live.

Amish Shah

Founder of Project:Yourself

Uncover the core blocks sabotaging your abundance & success
with this free Prosperity Formula video workshop:


What was your experience with today’s guided meditation and exercise? Share this experience with others:

Holosync® is a registered trademark of Centerpointe Research Institute, Inc., and is used with permission.

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