The meaning of our lives is what we make it be.
This little boy, who is aged nine, and who is called The Philosopher, tackles some of the biggest questions in the world: What are we on Earth? What is our place in the Universe? What is the meaning of life?
And, in the end, might our lives be predestined – everything scripted out for us in advance? He also talks about life elsewhere in our Universe, or for that matter, do we live in a multiverse?
This is wonderful. The young Philosopher is so open-minded, clear, and even full of wonder about what this Universe might be like and what he does not know, that he will win you over, or even get you to think about the Universe, and also the wonderment of young and little minds.
You are a child of the universe. You are constantly growing, learning and becoming a better version of yourself. Let this Tree of Life Poster became a common symbol of life, ancestry, mythology, lessons of the spirit, history, lineage, and hope for the future.
Watch the clip given below and ask yourself if you know some adult people who can give better answers. We doubt that you are going to say yes.
Image Source: YouTube