For a lot of people, dreams still represent an interesting sensation. Despite everything, we still have to learn how to handle the emotional stress which we experience after having an intense dream. However, a lot of people do not have the ability to clearly define their dreams with certainty, as their dreams are a mirror to their subconscious, as well as spiritual reality.
But, there are also some people that have special abilities, the strongest spiritual side, as well as consciousness or they, are so-called empaths. Empaths are lightworkers in the form of humans, or they are a special kind of humans that are supposed to take care of the rest of the human population.
Empaths have empathic abilities and some of them that are on the more advanced level even have the ability to heal people. They have advanced cognitive, as well as perpetual abilities make them capable of connecting better with their dreams.
The reality in the dreams of empaths is divided into several different forms. This is how they actually see their dreams:
1. Lurid nightmares.
The reason why the nightmares which empaths experience are excruciatingly disturbing is that they are actually vivid. When they wake up in such haunting disturbing images, they usually scream and experience heart palpitations. Empaths are also sensitive beings, and minor conflicts can occupy a permanent place in their subconscious until they are resolved.
2. Creative dreams.
Creativity is considered the idiosyncratic talent of empaths, and its impacts also show in the world of dreams. Empaths are blessed with colossal imaginations, and these imaginative tendencies create fantastical lands inside of their minds. There are infinite possibilities which emerge and vanish in their minds in a few seconds. This is because their dreams are a source of inspiration for them.
Writers, as well as painters usually create art which is reflective of their dreams. They get their bright ideas from their dream world – a breeding ground for the brilliance. A lot of renowned painters and writers were empaths by nature, and their art revolutionized the world.
3. Sequential dreams.
Sometimes, the dreams that empaths dream chronicle essential events. Such dreams are not erratic, but they are well structured, and each of the events is connected to the one preceding it. They are not baffling or misleading. Most of the times, they try to make an empath understand a real-life event which is just around the corner.
4. Free-fall dreams.
Free-fall dreams are one of the most common dreaming experiences of all of those that have some strong spiritual side and empath population. The free-fall dreams are connected with the strong spiritual release of energy, but there are a lot of different explanations in various cultures and beliefs in the world. For example, for empaths, this may be a sign that they are cornered, and they should take a strong initiative in order to find the strength to stand up for themselves in real life.
5. Lucid dreams.
This type of dreams is just another proof of how strong the spiritual side of empaths is. Well, they have their own ways of shifting through dimensions and connecting with things which are way above the limits of understanding and feeling of the average human being.
Featured Image Credit: Atlas, by VermilionX on Deviantart