During your lifetime, you will learn many lessons which will help you overcome every problem you have, and make you live happy, in contentment. Today, we will share some of the best lessons which every one of us has learned in life.
This is the list of the fifteen spiritual lessons that you can find quite important for you. You have to try hard in order to understand and remember the lessons as well:
- You should never permit other people’s behaviors to tell you what you have to do. You are a free human being, and you are the only one responsible for your own actions.
- Human beings are connected to each other. In fact, this may mean that when you help someone, you help yourself. If you hurt someone, you hurt yourself too.
- You should never feel afraid of painful experiences. Pain can sometimes be good, and sometimes bad; you can deal with that pain in a good or bad way as well.
- When you drop all the desires and expectations about how people need to be, you will never feel deceived or hurt once again.
- Fears usually come down to the fear of death. Unless you become familiar with the meaning of death, you will never be able to live your life without fear.
- You cannot know something more about other people than you can simply know only for yourself. If you get to know yourself better, you will understand others better too.
- Remember that real love never hurts because it gives without asking for something to be given back. This definitely means that although love will sometimes be unseen or rejected, it is always going to be what it really is.
- Pleasures and pain are two distinct aspects of the identical coin. You cannot possess pleasure without pain.
- Treating the symptom does not mean curing the disease. Instead, you have to try to remove the root cause of the disease completely.
- Remember that there is definitely not God that can be much higher than the Truth can.
- Remember that you are never supposed to focus our attention to something that others say or do. Rather than that, you should try hard in order to discover the reason for their acting and speaking like that.
- You have to tell the truth and only the truth, no matter of the circumstances and consequences. You will only feel peaceful, and you will not worry when you tell the truth and be honest with others and yourself.
- Know that possessions can also possess you. You have to release your attachments to your belongings.
- You came to this world alone, so you will leave it alone. This means that experiencing loneliness should not make you feel afraid, because loneliness will give you the chance to confront yourself as the person you really are.
- Never submit yourself to relationships. When the respect between two people is mutual, then true friendship can really exist and be fruitful.
The beautiful purple color of this stone is the color of spirituality, passion, and creativity. It is also a crystal of protection against negativity and psychic attack by transforming it into loving energy and returning it back to the universe as a positive force. It is a stone of selflessness, nobleness, spiritual consciousness, meditativeness, balance and inner peace. One very important feature of Amethyst is to serve as a stone of transfiguration and transformation, bringing harmony and peace wherever needed.