Meditation has the capacity to reduce stress and increase relaxation.
Did you know that full moon meditation is extra special? The moon is an essential part of our life. It has religious and spiritual importance in some cultures. It is believed that the full moon flows down a huge amount of energy that has an effect on the body and mind. Every month there is an opportunity to meditate underneath the full moon for ourselves and for Mother Earth.

Here are ways to use the full moon energy:
Stay Calm - In difficult moments you must let things go and practice deep breathing. Keep the energy in a positive direction every day.
Think Positive - Before you fall asleep and wake up in the morning make sure your thinking positively about your life. The full moon will have your back and all positive thoughts will be multiplied.
Imagine your dreams - Have time to vision your goals, the full moon is perfect timing to reflect and focus on your dreams.
Share your blessings - Help those in need, it could be your friends, family or strangers. Sending out an act of kindness will create good karma.
Meditate - Connect through yourself or meditate in a group creates a calm state of mind and stillness.