Ask your self this, are you the driver or the driven?
As a driver, you have the ability to take power of your own future and live your life how you want it.
How you perceive yourself affects the impression that you project onto others, and the impression you project to others affects how they react to you.
As the Law of Attraction states, "By focusing on positive or negative thoughts people can bring positive or negative experiences into their life."
Here are a few ways you can gain control of your life as a driver:
1. Have confidence in yourself – believe in yourself and you will automatically project a stronger self image within than if you are always unsure and uneasy of your decisions. Remember, you are your actions. More importantly, self-confidence feels so good!
2. Take care of your health – exercise daily, eat well and find time to handle stress in a favorable manner. If you feel fine physically, you will be more apt to being confident and you glow that positive energy to others.
3. Make a positive impression - People respond more positively to people who evidently take good care of themselves, so dress well, keep clean and neat, and hold your posture. It’s also essential to pay attention on what you say – avoid excessive apologizing, and communicate with a thinking mind, don’t think with a talking tongue.
4. Be encouraging - many people are too judgmental, tittle-tattle or just whine too much. Humans, being the way we are have a tendency to slide into opposing thought processes more easily than encouraging ones. Avoid the urge to join the whinging crowd – be positive and buoyant, give encouraging comment on matters and take part in finding answers to issues rather than just finding all the problems.
5. Don’t expect others to change – if you are not happy with someone or something, don’t expect them to adjust to please you. You can let them know your feelings and maybe propose a way where the both of you can settle – but again don’t just presume everything to change. Be ready to make a positive change too!
6. Thrive on feedback – empowering yourself also means to improve yourself technically, emotionally and behaviorally. Ask for feedback and answer to it by knowing how you can change to better empower yourself. Do not take criticism personally – but rather as a chance to improve. Do not be afraid to fail – learn from it. And do not just watch life – participate.
7. Focus on outcomes and results – focus on your objectives, aspirations and wants. It’s easy to get tied up in how you ‘feel’ – and it’s essential, but to accomplish, oftentimes we need to put emotions and feelings to the side.
Aim on getting the work done, and once attained you can look back on the experience and look at the emotional side of the journey.
Remember: “Well done is better than well said.” -Benjamin Franklin
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