Experience 3: The Health Connection 

The unusual superpower that emerges when you eat right.

For our third session of Reality Bending Month, I’d like to start by sharing a story, before giving you a couple of delicious solutions to better living.

You see, when I was younger, I didn’t take care of myself. In fact, sometimes I downright neglected my body. I didn’t exercise much, and just ate whatever I wanted, drank whatever I wanted, smoked cigarettes...

Eventually though, I realized even though I had everything I thought I wanted: money, freedom, cool stuff... I actually felt like crap! Worse than that, at 32, my cholesterol levels were so high it just about shocked my doctor (and me!)

This is when I realized that no matter how much I could create, without bringing my physical health into the picture, I was only ever going to get so far.

The only way to gain control of your inner power.

If you want to elevate your life, you need to escape your comfort zone: both physically and mentally.

All of this is directly connected with your 3rd Chakra, which taps you into both your physical and mental self. It’s the Chakra that helps you gain self-control and really become the Master of your desires.

What you need to do is agitate your current comfort levels so you can activate your inner creation powers.

But in order to become the Master of your desires, you must strengthen your physical body through exercise, diet and healthy physical habits. This is the only way to ‘hold’ the intense energies that come up when you really start waking up that inner power.

Shake that bod... for more brain power?

Being physically fit and active are key to your overall power. You really have to ‘shake that bod’ - daily - to make a difference. But when it comes to your creative superpowers, being active physically does something more ...

When Albert Einstein came up with a theory of relativity, he said, “I thought of it while riding my bicycle.”

What’s true for Einstein is true for you, too. Your thinking process literally changes when you’re running, swimming, biking, hiking, or even walking.

By changing your environment and using your body a little bit more, you imagination literally vibrates with energy. This lets new ideas and inspirations crystalize for you. You can connect the dots and solve problems with a mental flexibility you just don’t have when you’re sitting around.

What it boils down to is this: Staying active keeps mental cobwebs from building up.

The L.O.V.E. formula for easy optimal eating

The other piece of this puzzle, of course, is your diet. Garbage in = Garbage out. It’s not enough to go for a jog every day when you are eating junk, drinking like a fish or smoking like a chimney!

Of course, knowing what to eat and finding time to research + prepare it can be tough. So I’ve broken it down into a little something I call the L.O.V.E. formula:

> Live

> Organic

> Vitamin & Nutrient Rich

> Easy

When you eat plenty of live, uncooked food that’s organic, it’s going to be vitamin and nutrient rich. It’s also going to be pretty easy to prepare most of the time.

Foods that are highly cooked, heavily refined, inorganic, have ingredients a half-mile long, come in a box, can or drowned in fatty sauces spell trouble.

In other words: they definitely don’t pass the L.O.V.E. test because when you eat them you do the opposite of love your body – you harm it.

I’ve got a couple of awesome juicing recipes for you that meet definitely pass the L.O.V.E. test! I drink these regularly and they’ve raised my energy levels, helped me lower my cholesterol, my weight and my old cravings for unhealthy, fatty junk food.

Try them and see what you think!

Keep checking your inbox for your next Reality Bending Month lesson in the coming days, and tell us in the comments section below:

TRUE or FALSE: You can PROGRAM your food to be healthier.

Believe it! Credible scientific studies show that infusing your food with positive intentions actually makes it more nutritious for you. How exactly does this work? And how can you pull it off? Find out in the full Project:Yourself course, and start treating your body better with less effort.

Whats your favorite ninja health tip?

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